Adventure Knight - Join a Group

Join us for Adventure Knight every Wednesday at 6:00 PM! Our team of Dungeon Masters is ready to guide you through thrilling fantasy adventures filled with swords and spells.

Whether you already have a small group or your flying solo, we can help. Please fill out the form below to help us match you with a group that suits your preferences.

How does it work?

The Basics:

We currently run six separate tables, each with its own adventure and a scheduled Dungeon Master. Evening announcements happen at 6:00 PM, last for a few minutes, and then the game begins. We ask that all players please show up by 5:45 PM to make the process go smoothly. The evening's event costs $5.00, and that money gets added to your account as store credit, but you do get your first three weeks free so you can get a feel for the environment and table.


Every four months, we start a new season. With each new season, some Dungeon Masters take time to rest as others come back from resting or playing in games themselves the previous season. All tables switch to a new adventure, and some tables start at higher levels than others. This allows players to continue with their characters from a previous season or start new ones.

New Players must play one season with an entry-level campaign before being allowed to play at a higher-tier table.

The Dungeon Masters

Our Dungeon Masters are not store staff, but they have graciously offered their time, expertise, and resources to their table. PLEASE treat them with the respect they not only deserve but have earned. If you would like to inquire about opening in our Dungeon Master roster for the chance to run your own table during Adventure Knight, please contact us!