Code of Conduct
Before you dive into the exciting world of gaming, we kindly ask you to familiarize yourself with our Code of Conduct for players

Our Code of Conduct for Players, DMs, and Staff

Dungeons & Dragons Game Knight Adventure League (DDGKAL), advocates a culture of friendship, solidarity, respect, and responsibility.

As such, behavior that impacts the enjoyment and/or safety of participants may result in disciplinary action; potential ejection from events without a refund (at the discretion of organizers) or bans from organized play at all associated events and game stores.

While this document was written with Dungeons & Dragons in mind, these rules apply to all events and activities within the store.


1) Strive to be polite, friendly, and welcoming to your fellow community members. People from all walks of life are here to have fun together!

2) Be patient and understanding towards the needs of other players, who may require additional time or assistance in order to enjoy the game. Remember, D&D is a party activity.

3) Give other players a fair chance to shine, be gracious and share the spotlight. Don't talk over them and let them make their own gameplay decisions.


1) D&D is a game that requires teamwork and cooperation. Work together to achieve objectives and don't undermine the efforts of other players.

2) Don't be afraid to communicate with other players and express your expectations for the game and your preferred playstyle. Party conflict happens all the time, be kind when handling any disagreements.

3) Let everyone have a fair chance to enjoy the adventure without spoiling plot points or encounters by metagaming. This applies even if you are just spectating!

4) Keep your volume levels manageable. We get that you’re having fun, but you don’t want to rouse the ire of other adventurers! This can be disruptive to other games in progress.


1) Treat your fellow players with dignity, be mindful of your language (watch that Vicious Mockery) and respect boundaries when discussing sensitive topics and how others wish to play.

2) Be attentive during the game. Pay attention to your Dungeon Master and avoid excessive use of electronic devices for non game-related purposes. You don’t want to miss important cues!

3) Respect the property of others; clean up after yourself and don't damage property or engage in disruptive behavior. Theft and similar offenses will be reported to the organizers.

4)Harassment is NOT tolerated in any shape or form and will be dealt with harshly. This extends to harassment both in and out of game and using your character as an excuse for such behavior is not acceptable.

5)Harassment includes but is not limited to: the use of discriminatory language, sexual harassment, unsolicited and unwelcome advances, intimidation, and verbal or physical threats of violence.


1) Own your choices and actions both in and out of character, be willing to apologize for your mistakes and accept the consequences. Learning from them is how you level up!

2) Your belongings are your own responsibility, as is any lost or stolen property. Don't leave your items unattended, or they may be mistaken for loot.

3) Personal hygiene helps with Charisma checks, so be sure to be in top form. If you’re feeling unwell, consider sitting out to spare others Constitution Saves. Masks of Protection are always welcome.

Reporting Harassment and/or Violations

1) If at any time you feel harassed, unsafe or threatened, or if you notice a violation of our Code of Conduct, you may inform any DDGKAL Staff at a physical event, or DDGKAL Admin on our official Discord.

2) You may also submit a written report to the DDGKAL Admin team at

3) All reports will be investigated, and correspondences will be kept strictly confidential.